Please let us know if there is a special paddle trail that you think should be in the SUP100 list. We have set a few parameters and therefore ask that all proposed trails adhere to the following:
- At least 3km in length (no upper limit but should be able to complete within 6 hours).
- The section of water should be open to the public to use and paddle (with or without a Waterways Licence e.g. Canal and Rivers Trust).
- Have a clearly accessible entry and exit points on public land with parking or drop off facilities, or at least within walkable distance with a board and equipment.
- Not too challenging terrain to get the board and yourself on to and out of the water.
- You have paddled the trail (!), and hence be able to provide insight and knowledge in the form below.
- You know the what3words reference for both the entry and exit points (these can be found at: