2022 was a huge growth year for SUP. More boards were sold than ever before (we have no data to back this up but it is a good assumption… at least until someone disproves it), and more people paddle-boarded than ever before (repeat above disclaimer). We also think that more SUP related pics were taken than ever before…. (same disclaimer again… you get the drift by now).
So we thought it would be a good idea to provide a place to showcase the very best of your SUP pics from last year. We want to find the Top100. And then select the Top 3 which we hope to award prizes (assuming we can find a company to donate something, preferably SUP related. We are working on this…).
If you want to submit a pic for inclusion in the gallery then please click on the link below. There are some guidelines which are detailed on the submission page:
The TOP100 gallery is starting to take shape! You can click on any of the images to see the full-size higher res version, and also scroll through all the pics.